All Posts
03 · 01 · 2019

How to make your affiliate link for a specific product

Written by Adela Cardona

 Our platform points your personalized link to the homepage by default. This works most of the time except for when you're talking about a specific product. In this case, users expect to be pointed to the product you're talking about.

Here’s how to make your affiliate link for a specific product:

  1. Go to the collection page and select the product you want to promote. Like our Dean Oxfords and click on it
  1. Copy the product link:
  1. Enter your refersion account and go to your dashboard:
  1. Click on create link to a specific page

  1. Paste the link of the product you are offering from the Beckett Simonon website here and click on create link:

  1. Copy the link and paste it on your website, social account or message for your friends and colleagues. You can also share it with the social icons underneath the link.


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