Informal Interviews With Great Men - Robert Raymond
Written by Pilar EspitiaKnown in the world of Instagram as the @WhiskyBaron, Robert Raymond was born and raised in Philadelphia. Father and entrepreneur, Robert has his eyes fixed on everything that screams good lifestyle and luxury.
Lover of good whiskey, cigars, bow ties, and suits, he’s a collaborator of Bespoke Unit. As editor of the Bespoke Unit Whisky mini-site, he is always excited to talk about his latest gulp.
1. What clothes do you like to wear on a daily basis? Which looks do you enjoy the most?
At the office: Generally a three-piece suit. In the summer months, a two-piece or a blazer & light chinos. A tie is a must. I find the lack of ties in this country to be astounding.
Off the clock: A tee shirt and jeans guys, through and through. Weather permitting, I love to dress in layers and will throw an untucked button-down shirt on over top. Usually, it comes together with a pair of boots.
2. How would you define your personal style? How has it developed or changed over the last few years?
Personality. My dress always reflects my mood, not just the occasion.
3. What's your take on style rules; do you believe in them? Which would you tell a friend to absolutely follow or forget?
In all things, you need to know the rules. It’s ok if you bend them but be careful not to dress like a clown. It’s ok if your tie and lapels aren’t the same width but keep it reasonable. Style is like anything in life: be smart.
One adage which should absolutely be obeyed is "dressing for the job you want, not the job you have." I also believe you can never be overdressed for an occasion.
4. Are you more of a morning person, or a late night person? How does a typical day look to you?
I tend to burn the candle at both ends and enjoy the early morning as much as a late night. None of my days are ever typical so adapting to situations is key. The ancient art of saying “no” helps keep my schedule fairly manageable.
I do look to achieve a weekly balance of personal development, family time, work, and passion pursuits.
A 14 hour day at the office is usually countered with an extra hour at the gym. Likewise, a day off will probably be sandwiched between two days with an extra hour on each end.
Paul Anthony and Bob Raymond
5. If we had 24 hours to spend in Philly what should we do? (Sights, food, bars, landmarks, stores)
Philly has an amazing amount of culture paired with a world-class food scene.
Start with brunch on Rittenhouse Square at Parc. Take a stroll down Walnut and Chestnut streets for some shopping; pop into Goorin for a hat.
Go to the iconic Reading Terminal Market and get a roast pork sandwich from DiNic’s (you can have a cheesesteak on your next visit).
Head to DiBruno brothers to fill up a bag of cheese, snacks, and sweets. Then Uber down to Bartram’s Garden for a picnic lunch in one of the world’s oldest botanical gardens.
You’ll get a great view of the city from the banks of the Schyukill River.
Walk from there up the Schyukill River trail to the Philadelphia Museum of Art —one of the most respected collections in the world.
Grab a beer at Monk’s Cafe, a zymyrlogical paradise which anchored the craft beer craze here. Be sure to get a Flemish Sour from their own label. Oh, and fries. Lots of them.
For nightlife, head to Old City and see where the night takes you. There are countless shops, restaurants, and lounges.
6. What tools or apps do you use the most? (For work, fun, wellness, anything really)
My two favorite tools are Excel and Evernote. They keep me organized and allow me to analyze data. I live and die by decision science.
For passion pursuits, I often find myself in Wordpress.
Whether it is running the whiskey club I Chair, drafting industry periodical & opinion, or pulling together some great stuff to support my friends at Bespoke Unit, it allows me to be creative and execute a strategy.
During downtime or travel, I am a Plex and Netflix junkie.
Whatsapp keeps me communicating globally and I never worry about losing a mobile device. My most important contacts can easily be found.
One app I have come to love is Vivino. As a wine novice, this has helped me find so many great wines that align with my tastes.
7. What websites and magazines do you read regularly? What do you like about them?
General Learning: Google, YouTube, Wikipedia
Politics: Downticket, Countable
Finance: Worth Magazine, Forbes, Kitces Report
Libations: my many dog-eared tomes, such as- Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible. I think I have about 6 editions of that.
Fashion & Lifestyle: Bespoke Unit—shameless plug but the layout of site and accessibility of the info has made a fan out of me. That is why I got personally involved with Paul and the team.
8. In the last few years, what decision have you taken that you feel proud of?
To always give more than I get. This is a value I hope to pass on to my daughter.
9. What advice would you give to your younger self 10 years ago?
Be decisive and assertive. The whole world is waiting out there. Decide what you want and go get it.
10. When you happen to feel down or unmotivated, what do you do to cheer up?
A mentor of mine once gave me the best advice: “when things are just too much, walk away and do something for yourself, by yourself.”
Shopping, dining, golfing, a movie —all things I have done solo to clear my head. Now, whenever I see someone dining alone, I like to think they are indulging in the same life philosophy.
11. Where can folks learn more about you? (Social media accounts, website, etc.)
I’m on Instagram @WhiskyBaron. You can also connect with me via Bespoke Unit.
Thank you for reading! We want to especially thank Robert Raymond for helping us with this project.
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